Friday 4 October 2013

We Have a Winner!

Breanne Ostrosky was the lucky winner of the $1000 BC Ferries experience card.  Thanks to all those that supported our fundraiser this year.

Monday 3 June 2013

June President's Message

The paddling season is getting busy and in May we held a fundraiser for the food bank on May 11 Trail Bay Mall and we raised over $1000 for the food bank.  Thanks to all the volunteers who came out
and solicited the mall patrons for contributions.  SDA and Seagals participated in Women’s Regatta May 25th in False Creek and enjoyed some early season competition in heavy waters.

Jeanne Hage is organizing the BC ferries raffle ticket sales for the club this season and tickets have been distributed for sale, with the draw date to occur Sept 29

This month our annual Mackenzie Cup will be held June 8 at Mackenzie marina at 10am, Pender
Harbour will be joining this fun club event and weather looks fabulous.

We had 40 club members plus some Dragontinis attend a stroke improvement clinic on June 2 put on
by Kamini Jain of right angle performance in False Creek, I think everyone learned something to help the technical aspect of their stroke.

We wish the Mussels well on their Hong Kong regatta and look forward to hearing of their tales from the orient.

Have a great month on the water everyone...

Paddles UP

Marla Taylor President  SCDBC

Wednesday 8 May 2013

May President's Message

The clubs' first social event of the season, the Wine + Cheese was well attended and many thanks to Bev Zacharias for hosting this event. Prior to the event we had a team leader’s workshop where members met to discuss and review their roles.

The Mackenzie Mussels Hong Kong group are busy training for their upcoming regatta and they would
like to thank all the club members who supported their very successful fundraising events in April.

SDA and SeaGals will be attending the Women’s Regatta in False Creek at end of May and some of the Porpoise paddlers will be joining them to make up full teams.

Starting May 1st we will be running advertising on Sunshine TV network, they have tv screens in several locations on the coast. You can see the ad on the front page of our website as a youtube video.

Our next club event will be our Fill the Boat for the Food bank on May 11 th at Trail Bay mall, please let your team reps know if you can help with this very worthwhile cause.

Paddles Up and have a great month on the water!

Marla Taylor

President SCDBC

Tuesday 2 April 2013

April President's Message

Welcome back paddlers and a huge welcome to all our new paddlers this season.  All the teams will be getting on the water the 1st week of April.

Thanks to everyone who came out March 23 to Wake the Boats, they are now in the water ready to go.

We are currently working on improvements to the website and I need help from all teams to send me pictures, especially action pictures to replace the older ones on the site.  Hope to have the improvements up and running within the next week or two.  We are also doing away with the member login, you will be able to access all the club documents and financials from the front page.

Sunshine Dragons Abreast – recently presented a cheque for $2000 to the Sunshine Coast Hospice Society.  Congratulations to SDA for their continued support to the hospice group.

Mackenzie Mussels – will be attending an international regatta in Hong Kong the middle of June this year.  To help offset the costs of this trip they will be holding a number of fundraisers this month.

Premium Hanging Basket Sale.
Baskets are $30 and there are 100 available.
Contact Carol Brophy

MM  Gynormous Treasure and  Garage Sale
April 6 9am-4pm
7649 Eureka Place, just off Redrooffs Rd in HMB
Donations can be dropped off starting Mar 30

April 13  Beer/Burger Bash at Gilligans' Pub- 7pm
$20 for drink and burger
Silent Auction and 50/50 draw and other fun stuff.
To donate items or services please contact Catherine Gage

Have a great start to the season everyone.

Paddles Up!

Marla Taylor
SCDBC President

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Sunshine Coast Dragons Abreast
Annual Fashion Show

See you there!

BC Experience Card Draw Winner!

Bob Crosbie, owner of Pebbles Restaurant in Sechelt
drawing the winning ticket

Bev Zacharius winner of the $1000.00 BC Experience card
presented by Raymonde Worsfold

Friday 28 September 2012


Congratulations to Pender Harbour for hosting a fun event.  

Medals were awarded as follows:
Gold - MacKenzie Mussels
Silver - Pearl Warriors, Powell River
Bronze - Sea Gals

Thursday 20 September 2012

Gorgeous End to Summer Potluck for Dragonboat Club

Sunshine Coast Dragonboat Club Potluck Picnic
Cooper's Green Park September 17 2012

Thank you to Sally Haugen, Sandra Glover, Marion West, Lucia Paddison and Lucille McCarthy for organizing a successful wrap up potluck picnic for the club.  About 60 club members, family and friends came together for a pleasant afternoon at Coopers Green.  As usual with Club events there was plenty of delicious food to enjoy.  Thanks to Darlene Kerfoot and Gillian Kydd for their pictures.

Friday 11 May 2012

BC Seniors Games Update

BC SENIORS GAMES will be held August 23-24 in Burnaby.  If you are 55+ and would like to participate please contact Els Mols at 604-741-0756.  For more details visit

Be sure to advise your coach if you sign up to paddle in BC Seniors Games.