Monday 24 October 2011

The BuK and D-2 are resting for the winter

Thank you to Lois Pickard, Linda Dawson of MacKenzie Mussels; Chris Wilson, Celine Gilmore, Sally Haugen of Porpoise Paddlers; Marion West, Ron and Gillian Kydd of Sunshine Dragons Abreast; Jeanne Hage, Carol Stanfield, Margaret Laycock from Sea Gals. The team effort allowed us to complete the job quickly. Luckily the weather was in our favour and allowed us to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate (with a little Cointreau or Bailey's). There were pastries, Girl Guide cookies, thank you Chris and Carol. There never seems to be a shortage of food at Club gatherings!

The 9m is waiting for it's first off season paddle. Ron Kydd has offered to build two saw horses to store the boat upside down during the winter. Thank you Ron. Marla will be contacting the membership with options on winter paddling.

Sunday 16 October 2011

Sunshine Dragons Abreast Picnic

On August 4th, a warm, sunny summer morning members of the Sunshine Dragons Abreast Team paddled up to Piper Point Marine Park for a picnic lunch and swim. Thanks to Doug Penn for the escort up the inlet and tow back. Everyone enjoyed lots of good food, swimming and loads of laughs.

Minutes of the October 13th Board Meeting

The minutes of the October 13th Sunshine Coast Dragon Boat Club Board meeting are now available by request. Please contact your Team Reps if you would like to receive a copy.